- 為支援幼兒學習,班主任會將中文家課為非華語兒童翻譯成英文,讓家長可在家指導幼兒完成家課。
- 需要時提供通告傳譯,促進家校溝通。
- 校內聘用了少數族裔老師,在有需要時可解答少數族裔家長疑問。
- 非華語兒童的家長如有任何疑問,可致電本校(電話:2476 9363)或電郵至 info@lifekg.edu.hk 查詢。
- 其它支援項目:
– 新生入學適應
– 小一銜接活動
– 提供適切的講座及活動
– 到校學前康復服務
– 駐園社工計劃
Students Supports
We work together ensuring every student is able to access our curriculum and should he/she need support we can discuss his/her needs on an individual basis.
School support to NCS children:
- To support children’s learning, the class teacher will translate Chinese homework for NCS children into English so that parent can guide their children to complete the homework at home.
- English notices are available for parents when necessary.
- A minority teacher is employed in the school to answer the questions from minority parents when necessary.
(For further enquiry, please contact 2476 9363 or e-mail info@lifekg.edu.hk)
We create an enriched language environment according to student’s individual needs.
Other activities:
- Orientation period for K1
- Adaption for primary school
- Seminars and activities for parents
- Referral Services for children with extra need
- On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services
- Social Worker Scheme