註册安排:家長須於指定時間內到本園辦理註册手續,並須提交「註冊證」/「入學許可書」正本及繳交註冊費港幣 970 元正(註冊費將於入學後1個月內退回家長)。
- Registration: Welcome to call or visit the school during office hours to inquire about the remaining places.
Office hours:
9:00am-12:00nn/1:30pm-4:45pm (Monday to Friday)
9:00am-11:30pm (Saturday)
Off on Sundays and Public Holidays
- Interview Process: Parents will receive a phone call from the School to arrange an interview with the child who applies for admission.
- Registration arrangements: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child by submitting the original copy of Registration certificate / Admission permit (“RC” / “AP”) and paying the registration fee HK$970.(Registration fee will be refunded to parents within 1 month of enrollment)